Speaking up for the Catamites

The recent disclosures at Penn State University about the coverup of paedophilia have brought some interesting reactions. The professional chattering class has unanimously condemned what happened, while always remarking how “sad” a situation it is, unlike, of course, how similar…

Planned Obsolesence

As we develop our analysis of Tradition here and at Gornahoor, as well as a critique of the modern world, there will arise several reasons why Tradition is preferable to modernity. One reason I will briefly reflect upon here is…

The Greeks Invented Democracy

The Greeks are quick to claim that they invendted democracy. Nevertheless, the world of finance is in an uproar over their decision to actually hold a referendum on the European Union bailout package. Perhaps, like the Icelanders, they can get…

The Rights of Man

As we take the French Revolution as the tipping point separating modernity from tradition, its dogmas can be found in the Declaration on the Rights of Man. Article 1 Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social…


Many on the right stay on guard with vigilance against the snares of socialism, communism, anarchism, and leftism in general. What is often unfortunately offered as an alternative, however, to the misfortune of right, is Nationalism.  Nationalism is defined in Wikipedia thus:…

Saving the West

There is a persistent and vocal minority, a group of weeping Jeremiahs, who prophecy the end of the West — or, more precisely, Western Civilization, or sometimes white people — unless it returns to the ways of its ancestors. However,…